But with grandboys it's a different kind of watch and wait. I want them to learn to walk because there is nothing cuter than a toddler taking those Herman-Munster-like steps with their Mini-Me body. But I'm still going to pick them up and carry them around and love them up. So the actual walking isn't the point. It's fine with me if they can show off by putting on their own coat, but I still want to get down on their level to zip the coat, deposit tickles in the pocket and kisses on the cheeks. And for your sake if they didn't do something new and different, you would only have adorable pictures to view here on Tuesdays - which would also be a-MAZ-ing!
Showing off his new prowess, Aidan was sounding out the word "sit." You know how it goes: "S....I....T." Now say it faster. "S..I..T." Now faster. "SIT!". Perfect! Same success with "hat"! How about the letters on his jacket? "C....U....B....S" Then "C..U..B..S" And finally "CUP! Yes, please, I want a drink!"
Give that boy a (root) beer! He's already a die hard Cubs fan! It runs in the family. Here to the 2015 season. Seems like the perfect year for a P...E...N...N...A...N...T!
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