We all gathered for a birthday celebration the other night, and there was indeed some lively conversation which had not made its way to bodily functions - a feat unto itself. This would be a good time to mention that four members of the gathered see no need for the privacy of a bathroom when nature calls. Additionally, we have two small dogs, one of whom likes to be in the middle of everything.
As cake time approached, I passed off a baby grandgirlie and grabbed a soon to be two birthday boy. It was the smell first, and then the gooey-but-not-frosting on my arm that caught my attention... (The cake had not yet been touched - thankfully!) By process of elimination (girlie smiling and pleasant smelling, upcoming birthday boy smiling only), we found our culprit - or so we thought.
It was almost a Harris record - an entire meal without an ounce of poop talk. Way to go, Elijah! Bring us back to our roots! You are a Harris man-child after all! Looks like the tradition will continue...
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