I hope whoever first invented Legos made millions! What a great toy! They keep mid-sized ones entertained for hours making a million things! Actually, at least half of that time is spent trying to find the piece you want next for whatever you are building. It is always at the bottom or the pile, no matter how many times you paw through the pile. Or it is camouflaged by the carpet, not coming out of hiding until you step on it with bare feet - generally when least expected.
Legos haven't really changed a lot in the 2 or 3 decades since my boys played with them. That is, the blocks themselves are still pretty much the same - some new forms to make the previously impossible commonplace, but otherwise the same. The little flat ones are still hard to separate from each other, though I just learned there is a new tool that makes that job all the easier, and might save a tooth or two. I can't wait to see how it works once Amazon delivers.
The instruction book for each item hasn't changed either. See how flimsy it is? If they really meant for you to keep it for a lifetime, wouldn't they make it slightly less destructible? Legos last FOREVER. I'll give the booklet 3 weeks tops.
The Legos below were made by this Granma at the request of Tyler and Bella. "Granma, make me a digger...a helicopter...a car...a house." See how none of the colors are coordinated? Instructions are long gone, as is the memory of what those blocks originally made. What is left must be put together with imagination and a little luck to find pieces with potential. My boys never cared what the original pack formed once it had been constructed once. After that, every Lego became part of a gun or a grenade - that's what little boys do.
Now though, it seems once assembled, the kits stay together in their originally designated design. Mind you, the thrill of finding the right piece is still there, maybe more so since the directions tell you the must-have block. My bestie had a whole Christmas tree decorated with Legos, including an R2D2 angel on top! She pulled it from a box fully assembled. I was so impressed! Though I think she might have cheated and used Kragle.

So, here's the bottom line. It really doesn't matter if you have a box with mass of blocks or textbook perfect sculptures. But if you just Googled "Kragle" to get it's meaning, you lost your Lego license.
Honey, where are my paaaaaants?
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