Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Shape of Things

As every parent knows, in the event of a minor scrape or fall, Band-Aids heal almost as fast as kisses.  I have a theory about that: Band-Aids hold in the kiss so the love can heal the wound.  Mind you, this theory only applies to scrapes of the non-oozing variety.  In the case of more serious injury, kisses must be applied to alternate locations, and they (both the love and the sterile adhesives) must be applied more frequently.

Band-aids also make quite the fashion statement.  Just try telling a toddler that you are out of Sponge Bob as you stick him with Elmo instead.  That will require quite the sales job, I assure you!  One year I bought Band-Aids for everyone’s stockings.  Bacon was my favorite, though I never saw them actually aiding in any healing process.  Hmmmmm

Aidan arrived late last summer (still shorts weather) with harrowing stories of injuries, and a badge of honor on his knee to prove it.  A “circle band-aid,” as he pointed out, which was probably the perfect size to hold in a kiss or two, and doing its job quite well.  There was no sign of limp or wince of pain to be seen.  Five minutes later, I picked up a spent circle from the floor, and went about other granma-ly duties.

Five minutes after that, it appears that the kisses wore off as well.  Suddenly the pain returned to that grandboy’s joint.  This is a difficult juncture for parents:  their child didn’t really need a band-aid originally, and they didn’t bring their stock of circular sterile adhesives with them.  However, said three year old was quite taken by the miracle of band-aid love, not feeling completely healed AND is had personal anecdotes espousing the medical effectiveness of a circle.

Seeing the opportunity to come to the rescue, I offer my assistance.  I had also spotted the opportunity to rid myself of a circle band-aid, which come in those assortment boxes and have no practicality for anyone over the age of four.  We walked hand in hand to the medicine cabinet, super Granma and a limping Aidan.
Here is where my brilliant plan hits a major snag:  peeling away the protective paper, it is clear that this band-aid is actually square – a shape difference that does not escape little boy eyes.  He objects.  I offer him a rectangle band-aid instead.  He suggests triangle.  Eventually, thankfully, we circle back to square and make it stick.  (Apologies to the reader.  I couldn’t help myself.)

When the little family left an hour later, Aidan was still lamenting the circle, expounding on the square and anticipating a triangle.  I carried him out to the car (not that he couldn’t walk, but all the better to kiss those cheeks) and locked him in his car seat.  Smiles, giggles and waves later, I return to the house – and a small square adhesive patch on the floor in the foyer.
I wonder if they keep a supply of triangles at home?

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