GRANMA: Slime - the stuff of (grand)boys! When I got a text from my oldest grandboy asking if I wanted to make slime with him, he knew the answer to that as well as I did: bring it on!!!
BRYCE: Recently we made slime.
GRANMA: The ingredients are few, but they vary some. Elmer's Glue is a staple in all of the recipes. The other main ingredient is either Borax or Liquid Starch or Contact Solution.
BRYCE: Note To Everyone, NO ONE NEEDS BORAX IN SLIME!!! If you haven't seen on the news, one little girl of the age of about 9 was a slime making machine! But she used borax in all of her slime making career then when she woke up on a day, her hands were on fire from the borax. She also needed a cast. The ingredients we used were Elmer's Glue, Contact Solution, Baking Soda and Paint.
GRANMA: Does anyone shop at Woodman's? You need roller skates to make it from one end to the other! That place is huge!!! So certainly, I could find the needed ingredients there. Liquid Starch, check! Glue? Not so much. Three small bottles was all I could find. With fingers crossed, I brought the sticky stuff home with me. BTW - if you need any liquid starch, I am happy to donate, free of charge. But if you are making slime, I highly recommend the contact solution! Great slime and minimal mess...
BRYCE: We were making slime for three kids, Bryce, Tyler and Bella. Bryce made a sky blue colored slime. Tyler made a red colored slime. But Bella, the two of us had to give her some because we ran out of glue. We sent my Dad to pick some up, but they were all out. Apparently schools are buying glue to make green slime! He went to two other stores, but they had the same explanation.
GRANMA: Who knew we were just part of a bigger parade? Elmer's has to be loving this trend!
BRYCE: Then we got awesome slime at the end of it.
GRANMA: What he said! The slime was fun to make and so boyish to play with. Bryce stretched it into a thin sheet over the counter top. He then carefully folded it up before maliciously squeezing it. Next came farting sounds closely followed by giggles. Boys and slime. Gotta love it!
And what do I love even more? Sharing this blog with my grandboy and guest blogger - at his request and insistence! Slime will forever be one of my favorite memories! Thanks for the assist, Bryce! I love you!
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