That baby boy Bryce was pink and wrinkly when he was born - pink when he wasn't testing his lungs, which made him more fuchsia - but still 100% blue. From those very first hours, he taught me to be a Granma. He taught me to share (him - with his parents). He taught me to eat yogurt off of chubby, sticky, outstretched fingers (I still hate the stuff, but I obliged him out of love). He reminded me that even after reading the same book 25,000 times, you still can't skip a page. Of course, you don't actually have to "read" it, either. It just rolls off your tongue (and through your nightmares).

Together we have conquered merry-go-rounds and water slides and roller coasters. We proved that you are never too old for Disney - not at 11 or 34 or 57... or 114 for that matter. Bryce tried to teach me about Mario Cart - unsuccessfully - and more recently about Minecraft and Pokemon. Alas, with the same results. I taught him to play Monopoly, first of the Junior variety and then the real game. The rules of the adult version include no more blind-eyed Granma letting him cheat to win. It is a lesson he learned well. Winning is now a shared talent. Sometimes he even cheats to lose just so the game won't end as quickly. (Monopoly and end quickly = oxymoron!)
It doesn't feel like 11 years ago. I don't feel like 57, either. Maybe I'll just lay claim to 34 for awhile. I love sharing this birthday season with you, Bryce. And I love you!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
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