I love bubbles! I'm not talking bathtubs or champagne. And, believe me, I can pass on a sink full of bubbles with a stack of dirty dishes alongside. Bubble wrap is good, but my favorite is the good old run of the mill bubbles from the bottle that come from the Five and Dime Store (which is now the Dollar Store - inflation...).
In the days of my youth, we would fish that slimy wand with circles on each end out of the colorful plastic bottle. With just the right offering of air flow, bubbles would cascade from the wand. They would float through the air without a care in the world, catching sunshine and manufacturing fragile, round rainbows. If you mastered just the right delicate technique, you could catch the bubbles on the tip of the slimy wand, thereby holding a bubble in your "hand." I really can't tell you what the attraction is, but considering that bubbles have been around FOREVER, I think I can say with confidence that it's not just me!
A few weeks ago at a craft fair, something like an electro-magnetic force drew me to the booth of a couple who were making enormous bubbles. Yes, they did come home with me, as if there was any doubt - the bubbles magic, that is, not the vendors.
On a recent fine early fall day, we experimented with gigantic bubbles! What our technique lacked, our enthusiasm made up for. And by "our" I really mean Bryce and me. My original soapy orb companion grandboy is still my most loyal bubble boy. There is an amazing slow-mo video of Bryce making an 8' long bubble. The really cool part was watching it pop in slow motion. Alas, you will have to take that at my word. Apparently the great, big wonderful world of technology has passed me by. I'll just have to be satisfied with being a bubble guru - a much more distinctive, if not completely useful, distinction. Thank you very much...
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