There are the comparisons - mouth and eyes and nose - as they relate to Mom and Dad and siblings. There is the straining to see similarities that won't truly develop for years to come, but the start is there, or so we imagine.
I'm a finger and toes person, myself. Curled up, wrinkly toes and long slender fingers with perfectly formed nails. It's a little slice of heaven on earth to watch those tiny digits relax in sleep, allowing a really good look at the newest family member. Babies are wonderful. Birth is a miracle!
There are two sets of 10 perfectly forms grand digits in the family that I never got to view in miniature. They belong to my Bella. Of course, there were many who teared up at her birth. Hours spent reveling in the beauty of her delicate features from her earliest days. But I wasn't one of them. Bella didn't burst into my world until she was five. She is seven now.
I got to really study her hands up close and personal for the first time. They are perfectly formed and quite expressive (hence, in part, the splatters of pink in the various locations). I didn't cry. Nor did she. In fact, there was much laughter. I think that means the manicure was a success! It was for me, anyway, though I don't see a career change coming my way.
I didn't get a picture of those 10 perfect fingers, pretty in pink. And the toe model above belong to a grandboy of mine. But look at her fingers. Even without paint, they are indeed perfect! I love you, Bella!