Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Picture Perfect

Granma and Naomi
I'm a writer.  OK, I'm not quite as famous as, say, Stephen King or Erma Bombeck.  But the three of us have something in common:  we write because we must.  Well, Erma doesn't write anymore, and I didn't/don't know either personally.  But I feel confident in my assessment.  I think better with my eyes closed sitting at a keyboard letting the words flow out my fingertips.  And the words from my fingers are more trust worthy and true than the ones from my mouth.  Of course, I make great use of the delete key, as well as Control X and Control V.  Verbal conversation is much more problematic on that front.

My husband, Ken (the Grampa to my Granma), is a photographer.  He frequently sees something different than the rest of us when he has a camera in his hand.  It's a zen thing - I've seen it, I admire it, and I am not capable of it.  I take snap shots, which are very different and rather pedestrian, though they make me happy.  Viva la difference.

We could probably debate endlessly on whether a picture is really worth a thousand words.  We could, but it takes time for me to relay to my computer keyboard the essence of my 1000 words.  He tires of the wait and wanders off with his camera to capture the world.  BTW, his Lightroom and Photoshop programs are pretty time intensive, too.  What can I say?  It works for us.

Last week, though I got to hold two very special baby girls, Faith and Naomi.  They are not quite 3 months old, tipping the scales at 4 pounds each, and it's the first time I have even touched one of them.  To hold those little girls and feel them squirm and kiss their peach-fuzz heads.  Christine captured this picture (thank you!).  And for once, I just might be speechless - and wordless.  My fingers don't know what to type next.  It's not exactly that I have no words, it's just that so many words flood my senses that I can't keep up!

However, see sentence number one of this blog.  They require me to write a few words as they bubble to the top:

Glorious Gifts of God
Pure, unadulterated LOVE

Naomi with the sticky-uppy peach fuzz
Faith with the well coiffed hair
Score one for photography.  These pictures says more than this writer can put into words. This Granma is in love all over again!


  1. Oh, what a special moment! So glad you got to hold them!

    1. Me, too! C&C asked me how it felt. All I can say is it made them so much more real - like the Velvetine Rabbit in reverse.
