Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wii Are Quite the Pair

This is my eldest grandson, Bryce.  He can frequently be found in Mario World, fighting Bowser and ghosts and other creatures whose names I have banished.  If I could banish them on the screen, Bryce would be oh so much more impressed with Granma…

A few years ago, when he was just learning to navigate Mario’s world, Bryce would hand me the controller at particularly strategic times saying, “This is the hard part, Granma.  You have to help me.”  I did so love that he believed that I could!  But, alas, I have 9 thumbs and one pinkie.  How do you actually travel the maze of A, B, up, down, left and right while simultaneously watching a flickering screen in an attempt to save the lives of Mario and “Luwedgie”? 

“No, Granma, you aren’t listening!  You have to do it like this,” at which point the controller would exit my thumbs and pinkie.

He’s on to me now – he doesn’t ask for help anymore.  But he does ask if I want to watch him play with his video friends.  Any friend of Bryce’s is a friend of mine, and I watch – ad-nausium even!  But seriously, Mario and Luigi could use new, less mushroom-ish hats (green really does nothing for Luigi), and would someone please write new music to go cross-eyed by! 

I love you, Bryce!

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