It has been just days shy of 6 years, but I well remember the day - and my first impressions. I remember Court calling me from an interior room of the hospital to announce the birth. "It's a..." he managed before the connection was severed - twice! For the first five minutes of life, all we knew for sure was "baby," but not the predominate color or name! Finally, on the third attempt - a full sentence, "It's a boy!" (A singularly common occurrence at that point in time.) Grampa and I made our way to said hospital to meet the newest baby blue. I just remember thinking that being born is a hard thing to do - for both mother and child - and he should be tired. But he wasn't. His eyes gaped at the world, taking it all in, and staying open for hours when he should have been sleeping after a long day's work. Adian wasn't then, and isn't now, apt to let anything pass his notice!

Don't stop now, Aidan! Keep taking the world by storm! Share your smile and wit and antics with all who cross you path. With much love - sometimes to the point of exhaustion - happy, happy birthday to you! Enjoy the cake!